Tag Archive for: support

Home For Freedom will be hosting a meeting to share our Project for updating the Wichita County Cemetery.

(where many of our veterans are laid to rest.)

Anyone interested for information or wishing to support this project PLEASE plan on attending.

Light Refreshments & coffe will be available

Thursday, March 6, at  6 PM at the Form

2120 Speedway Ave,  Wichita Falls 76308

Home for Freedom is excited to be a part of Texoma Gives on Thursday, Sept. 5th.

This is an 16 hour, online giving event  to bring the region of Texoma (and 24 county areas in North Texas and Southern Oklahoma) together on one day to raise money and awareness for Texoma nonprofits.

Early donations will be available starting Thursday, August 22, 2024

If you are considering making a donation in the near future, why not participate in this great event!

Please tell your friends, neighbors, family and share with your friends and on social media.

Donations can be made here or at:  www.texomagives.org




Not all soldiers are lost through losing their life in battle. Some simply come home different than they left. During the Iraq/Afghan wars, there have been over 1,645 limb amputations for our American soldiers. Can you imagine the drastic life changes for that soldier and his or her family… physically, emotionally, and financially? For a veteran or their family members to go without a home or the best medical care is simply unacceptable; we will not stand for it. Home for Freedom is a non-profit charity whose goal is to make sure this never happens. Our sacrificial veterans and their families deserve the highest respect and a life of great dignity. As you bow your head at dinner this evening or close your eyes to sleep, please consider the sacrifices made by these American men and women.

Tag Archive for: support

THURSDAY, FEB. 20th at 6 PM,  at the Forum

2120 Speedway, Wichita Falls

If you or your organization would like information on our Wichita County Cemetery Project, please plan on attending this meeting.

We have plans to update the cemetery, where many veterans are laid to rest, and would like to share that information with as many groups and individuals as we can.

We would appreciate your support.